How do I….
Become a member of YaleBoston or renew my membership?
Visit www.yale.boston/membership!
Check the status of my YaleBoston membership?
Contact our administrator at info@yale.boston or (860) 984-6186.
Sign up for the YaleBoston newsletter or the Young Alumni Bulletin?
Visit www.yale.boston/mailing-list!
Join one of YaleBoston's committees?
Contact the chair of the committee, whose name and email address can be found at www.yaleboston.org/committees.
Recommend a candidate for office or the board?
Email the chair of the Leadership Committee at leadership@yaleboston.org. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged!
Where can I….
See what events are coming up for Yale alumni in Boston?
Make a donation to support YaleBoston, the Yale Book Award, or the Community Service Fellowships?
At www.yale.boston/donate! You can also make an additional donation when you pay your membership dues. YaleBoston is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and donations may be tax-deductible.
Sign up to volunteer at YaleBoston events?
At www.yale.boston/volunteer! If you'd like to volunteer at a particular event, contact the event's coordinator or email events@yaleboston.org.
Find the names of YaleBoston's officers and directors?
At www.yale.boston/board-of-directors!
Find more information about YaleBoston's committees?
What is….
The annual fee for YaleBoston membership?
Base dues are $65 per year. If you graduated from any of Yale's schools and colleges in the last five years, you may pay $40 instead; and if you graduated from Yale College in the last year, you may become a member at no charge.
The Yale Book Award?
A recognition given to local high school students, meant to encourage students who might not realize that Yale is within reach for them to apply. Visit this page to learn more or make a donation.
The Alumni Schools Committee?
The scores of local alumni who conduct interview of applicants on behalf of the university. Email asc@yaleboston.org to sign up.
The Community Service Fellowship?
A stipend YaleBoston provides, along with housing, to current Yale undergraduates who take unpaid positions at service-oriented nonprofits in Boston for the summer. Visit this page to learn more or make a donation.
The story with the clubhouse?
The Yale Club of Boston had a building of its own at No. 10 Derne Street in the 1920s and early 1930s, which we sold in the depths of the Depression. It's still standing and, at least on the outside, remains much as it was in 1934 - in fact, the third floor still has a familiar YC design in its ironwork.
The name of this organization? It seems like there's more than one.
Legally, it's “The Yale Club of Boston,” as it has been since the 1920s, but we frequently do business under the abbreviated name YaleBoston. The club was founded as the Yale Alumni Association of Boston and its Vicinity in 1866, and forms of that name have been used from time to time as well.
Special about the Yale Club of Boston?
Among other things: we represent a local Yale population of ten thousand, the second-oldest Yale alumni organization in the world, and the city in which Elihu Yale himself was born!