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Yale Days of Service: More Than Words 2025

More Than Words (MTW) sells books to change lives. This vital organization works with the most vulnerable young adults in Greater Boston: those who are in the foster care system, court involved, homeless, or out of school. At MTW they earn a paying job, learning job skills while receiving focused support to ensure they persist in school and map plans for their future work, education and life. Learn more about their model and impact.

Planned Activities:
During our volunteer shift we will help youth on their business job. The activities vary, but may include organizing shelves, picking orders, sorting donations, and more. You may work as a big group or be divided up into smaller teams for different tasks. Your team will see that they have accomplished a lot to help our youth hit their goals! Learn more about what to expect here.

If you have gently-loved books that you would like to donate to the organization, feel free to bring them. Find more information about the types of books they accept. Please plan to arrive early if you would like to make a donation of books.

And feel free to arrive early/stay after to do some book shopping. It's a really fantastic bookstore!

Capacity & Age Limitation:
The Waltham MTW site can accommodate a group of 10 volunteers. Volunteer slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and a waitlist will be kept. The site coordinator will inform you of your status within 48 hours after signing up. 

Attendance Expectations:
This YDOS volunteer project runs from 5:00-7:00 PM on a weeknight. It is important that everyone arrive on time so plan extra time for rush hour traffic and to find parking. If you cannot be on site at MTW Waltham for the 5:00 PM start, please consider signing up for another YDOS volunteer project.

If for any reason, you sign up and are unable to attend, please contact the site coordinator, as soon as possible so that your space can be offered to someone on the waitlist.

What to Wear/Bring:
Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing as we likely will be working in the MTW book warehouse. Bring water and/or a snack as we'll be busy during prime dinner hours. MTW currently does not require masking on site and we encourage you to make the choice whether to mask or not based on your own level of comfort.

There are several spots in the MTW parking lot for visitors. If they are taken, there is plentiful free parking on nearby side streets. Plan to arrive a few minutes early to park.

Location: More Than Words Books, Felton Street, Waltham (map)

To register, please visit the Yale Day of Service Volunteer Hub.

May 10

Yale Days of Service: Bikes Not Bombs 2025